Traverse Application Program (1200 & Viva): which adjustment method is used onboard?

For totals-stations, the ‘Traverse’ onboard application program can be purchased; this program guides the user through the ‘traverse procedure’ and using ATR automates prism targeting for dual-face measurements. However, at the end you only get a 000° 00’ 00” & mm misclosure; no adjustment.

For the Traverse program to run an adjustment once you have ‘closed the loop’, there is an extra license key called “Traverse Adjustment”; this sits in Traverse, much like DTM-stakeout resides within Stakeout.

This will adjust your network by the COMPASS, TRANSIT or NO DISTRIBUTION methods. These are not least-squares. Instead, COMPASS is “suitable for surveys, where angles and distances were measured with equal precision” (more commonly used now EDM’s are only 1.5mm+2ppm), TRANSIT is more “suitable for surveys, where angles were measured with a higher precision than the distances” (1” instruments over short baselines) and using No Distribution ensures “no distribution is made”.

There is an “LGO Design & Adjustment 3D” license (dongle), which runs a least-squares adjustment, benefitting the user by being able to absorb DBX raw data directly from the card straight into the LGO adjustment.

Other alternatives include Star*Net Standard or SCC (which has a least-squares adjustment built in, plus all the drawing/coding etc found in ant survey software package).